& After Care
Before & After Care
The management and educators of the Lower Plenty Primary OSHC program welcome you and your children.
The Lower Plenty Primary School Out of School Hours Care program was established to provide alternative childcare option for working or studying parents. The program caters for up to 20 students in after school care.
We are one of only a few self-run programs in the area and aim to provide an educational, recreational and safe program for all children in care. The school council has overall responsibility for the management of the service, through the Principal and Business Manager.
A variety of structured and non-structured activities are planned and tailored to each child under the Government’s My Time Our Place Framework. Activities are based around art and crafts, cooking, sport, science, team games, drama and dance.
The values, which underpin Lower Plenty Primary School OSHC for the provision of a quality service, provide that the children’s physical, emotional and social needs are met in a safe, caring and supportive environment. The best interests of the child are of paramount concern.
Our Program
Our Service is fundamentally child-centred – children have a voice and agency through all aspects of what we do and our strong long-term core of educators provide stability and continuity to our OSHC team. Each child’s knowledge, ideas, culture and abilities are the foundation of the program. We provide opportunities for children to maximise their learning by creating an environment where they can confidently explore and engage socially and physically. The activities include structured and non-structured play, tailored to each child under the Government’s My Time Our Place Framework.
Activities are based around arts and crafts, cooking, sport, science, team games, drama and dance. Homework time can also be catered for upon request.
After School Care operates from 2:45pm to 6:00pm. It costs $26.00 for the session and parents are eligible for a CCS rebate.
Childcare subsidy (CCS) is a payment made to eligible families to assist with the cost of work or study related childcare. This is made directly to the service to reduce your fees.
To ensure you receive the CCS, you must provide on your application, the Customer Reference Number (CRN), date of birth of the caregiver who is registered against the chid in care and the CRN and date of birth for each child who will be in care. This is a unique number given to each individual family member. Once processed through our system, you will need to confirm your child’s enrolment via Mygov before CCS payments will be made.
Where CCS is not received, it will be your responsibility to follow this up with Family Assistance Office (FAO). The FAO can be contacted by telephone on 136 150 to clarify your eligibility.
Contact OSH
OSH Office (2:45 to 6:00) – 03 9432 0766
School Office (7:30 to 2:45) – 03 9435 2585
Daniel (outside hours or if you cannot reach OSH) – 0477 357 176
The Children
2-02 – Arrivals and Departures of Children Policy
2-03 – Behaviour Support and Management Policy
2-04 – Childrens Property and Belongings Policy
2-05 – Including Children with Additional Needs Policy
2-06 – Managing Duty of Care – non attending children Policy
2-07 – Reporting Guidelines and Directions for handling disclosures Policy
2-08 – Reporting of Child Abuse Policy
2-09 – Respect for Children Policy
2-11 – Statement of Committment to the Safety and Wellbeing of Children Policy
The Program
Health and Wellbeing
Food and Nutrition
7-01 – Employee Qualifications Monitoring Policy
7-02 – Employment of Staff Policy
7-03 – Role and Expectations of Staff Policy
7-04 – Staff Code of Conduct Policy
7-06 – Staff Online Social Networking Policy
7-07 – Staff Orientation and Induction Policy
Parent and Community Relationships
Weekly Program
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A Word From Our Parents
Lower Plenty has taught my son not only about academics but also so much about himself. The school model allows him to explore his thoughts and ideas– through both successes and failures – pushing him beyond his own preset boundaries. The teachers celebrate his successes and steadfastly stand by his side with support when it is needed. It’s a wonderful environment to grow in.

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