You Achieve What You Believe
Psychologists and psychiatrists, medical experts and researchers have said that the cause of anxiety, depression, alcoholism, drug addiction, and general unhappiness is often due to unprocessed emotional trauma and negative beliefs.
Over a lifetime, you incorporate and process billions and billions of bits of information through your senses. More accurately, your brain processes 400 billion bits of information every second. All this information is processed in your subconscious mind, and you are only aware of a tiny portion of it, the rest is stored inside your brain, cells and tissues.
This mental junk that resides throughout your system is meant to be processed and cleared out to make room for new goodies, but if it's not, it clogs you up emotionally, mentally and physically and left too long will begin to decay like a giant pile of garbage
Unprocessed emotions and traumatic experiences can lead to addiction. In essence, a lot of experts will say that the cause of anxiety, depression, alcoholism, drug addiction, and general unhappiness is due to unprocessed emotional trauma and embedded beliefs and thought patterns from past experiences.
Most psychologists, councillors, gurus, mystics, monks, psychiatrists and even the Dalai Lama agree that the mind is the centre of our anxiety, misery and unhappiness and being unaware of its power to distort your perception of reality can destroy your life

Marisa Peer is a British Hypnotherapist, entrepreneur, author and keynote speaker who is dubbed Britain's No.1 therapist says that 90% of people she treats all have one thing in common, they believe that they are either unlovable, unworthy of love and success, or undeserving of happiness,
Marisa is credited with solving the mysteries of mental anguish for many rock-stars, royals, presidents, politicians, and CEO's of major international companies for their problems with alcoholism, drug addiction, self-sabotage, anxiety, depression and suicidal behaviours.
Marisa says most people have no idea that what they think directly impacts their behaviour and their success. And that their happiness, relationships, health and achievements in life are directly linked to their internal monologues.
" First, you make your beliefs; then your beliefs make you '...
Guest Contributor: Emily Rack
Business Name: Horatio's Jar
Publisher: Digital Schools
Emily Rack is a yoga teacher, meditation instructor and freelance writer. She runs yoga and meditation classes, courses and workshops in schools and the wider community & is passionate about teaching the art of mindfulness
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