It's All About The Eyes
Artwork and Content by Emily Rack

Whiskered and furry, fluffy mitten pedipalps, flat-faced and round-eyed; most jumping spiders look too cute and cuddly to be like other spiders. In many ways, they are not. Their size is tiny, but their diversity and form are mighty.
The intelligence and curiosity see them compared with canines and infant humans. Their superb ability to think and plan makes me consider the brightness and creative consciousness we see in octopuses.
And I wonder, could it be the eyesight that fast-tracked them to greatness?
A lot of interested scientists think so too.
Watch Lucas the Jumping Spider.
It will help you manage the following film if you are not too convinced that spiders are as cute as puppies.
Jumping Spiders are the darlings of the Arachnid World.
Jumping spiders are the most beautifully decorated and intriguing spiders on the earth. And I am not biased. There is an enormous cult following erupting worldwide, where people are forming surprising bonds with tiny little spiders and sharing their stories globally.
Their curious and loveable appearance has made the jumping spider a pop culture sensation. People are keeping these little ones as personal pets all over the world. Those who once had arachnophobia find themselves cured of the affliction by spending time with the harmless and beautiful creatures.
"The Jumping Spider is Genius"
The Jumping spider is the most successful hunter in the arachnid nation.
And the smartest.
They have been dubbed "genius" by Sir David Attenborough in his narration of Porche.
Scientists believe that Jumping Spiders are brilliant, likely because of their wildly sophisticated eyesight
Guest Contributor: Emily Rack
Business Name: Horatio’s Jar
Publisher: Digital Schools
Emily Rack is a freelance creative writer and researcher, visual content creator, and designer. She is the head of the content production, publication - and editing for Upschool+ Guest Contributors -, and Horatio's Jar is her content production agency and wellbeing school.
Emily has dedicated her life to researching and understanding matters of the mind, body-, and the human experience. Her discoveries and research are focused on cultivating tools and dialogue that encourage us to live in peace and harmony here on earth.
Her current focus is the environment and human connectivity, conservation, environmentalism, plant medicine, botany, biology-, and the practice of 'Nature Bathing'. Emily is a writer, digital content creator, seasoned photographer-, and visual artist.
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