Building Emotional Intelligence
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Health & Wellbeing (Guest Contributors)
Building Emotional Intelligence
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https://youtu.be/6fL09e8Tm9c?si=94KsvdMQ1seC4E15 In her TED Talk "How To Raise Emotionally Intelligent Children," Lael Stone emphasises the importance of nurturing children's emotional intelligence for their overall well-being and success. She highlights the role of parents in modeling emotional awareness and regulation, advocating for open communication and empathy in parent-child interactions. Stone stresses creating a safe environment where children can express their emotions freely and learn healthy coping mechanisms. She also underscores the significance of teaching problem-solving skills, fostering independence, and using positive discipline strategies that respect the child’s emotions. By adopting these practices, parents can help their children build a strong emotional foundation, leading to more resilient and empathetic individuals.
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